In order to start getting stuff done I’ve begun streaming my work on Twitch. Not only will you get to hang out with me and chat a bit, you will also get to hear my music in person, including rare work stuff that will never make it to a final product. It’s pretty cool. Maybe I’ll even play a game or two, but mostly it will be me doing stuff in Reaper.
You can find me at:
At times I will also stream to YouTube (find me at, but I’ll do that less frequently and with less interaction. Basically, informal stuff will be on Twitch and performances will go on YouTube.
But why?
Mostly to show you I’m active and to build some form of small community around the strange music I make, but also to chill and have a good time.
You see, streaming stuff live is super easy these days. In 1994 the band Future Sound of London released ISDN, an album with music they had streamed live to radio stations. It was cutting edge stuff back then, but today it takes only a few minutes to set up an account on Twitch and start sending your stuff out into the void. Unfortunately that means that simply streaming stuff isn’t enough. Everybody streams.
But the cool thing about streaming is also just that. Everybody streams. Chances are someone you already like is streaming their stuff. I recently came across Gene Hoglans stream, for instance. He’s a drummer and has worked with some pretty big names over the years. There’s lots of people like that who show off what they’re doing online; especially now that we have a pandemic going on and touring is basically completely off the table until further notice.
See you there?
Come hang out with me and watch me do stuff! It’s a free preview of what I do and there will be some exclusive stuff happening. I’m not big on Twitch yet, but with some help I might become. So once again, got to and help me make my album come to fruition.